Aim and Rationale of the Project


Currently, the electronic media institutions in Albania have an evident lack of specialists in the field of Multimedia and Digital TV (MDTV). During the transition period of the country, there was a wide spreading and increase in the number of electronic medias. Following this, a contradictory situation appeared. While the number of TV stations (public and private) and broadcasting services increased, the required professional support could not be provided due to the lack or very low number of experts in the field. Therefore, the application of high-quality standards service became impossible. The lack of professional manpower can be manifested nowadays, in the low technical quality video, audio and multimedia services provided. To cover this, experts from abroad have been hired but this does not solve the unemployment problem of the country. Therefore, there is a need for national MDTV-graduated experts so that the country does not need experts from abroad.

Similar problems appear in Kosovo as well. An important scope of DIMTV project is to increase the number of experts and qualified workers and to reduce the existing unemployment rate in the field of MDTV in both Albania and Kosovo. In the last years, the switch from analogue to digital broadcasting has been a real challenge for both these Western Balkan countries. Despite the intensive efforts to make this switching, the full transition to digital TV transmissions has not been finalized yet. Even though huge investments have been done in media technology, the quality of broadcasting is not in the required level. Thus, a great work is still needed to reach the required standards in MDTV area. All these facts show the need for a fast solution to the problem. Through this project we aim to contribute to the improvement of the actual situation in these countries and reduce both unemployment rate and lack of experts in the MDTV-related areas to an important extent. To achieve this, AMU will offer a new Professional Master with three specific specializations such as Image Processing, 3D Animation and Production and  Post-Production. In addition to teaching, these modules and the program itself will lead to higher research collaborations with EU partners. The right curricula which will be developed will produce high-quality specialized young professionals and they will be in compliance with the job profile requirements. Moreover, the professional support from the EU Partner Countries with their high expertise and knowledge in the MDTV field will be a valuable treasure for the universities/enterprises in Albania and Kosovo as well.

Website link: diMTV – Innovation and Implementation of Multimedia and Digital Television (dimtv-project.al)