The Faculty of Education

The Faculty of Education offers three bachelor study programs as listed below:

  • Early Childhood Education Program (0-6 years) – BA, 240 ECTS

The main goal of the program is to prepare future educators who will be competent in professional work with preschool children. This program aims for future educators to master the theoretical side of their professional field, to apply the theory in daily practice, to think critically and creatively and to develop practical skills to help the child in their physical, social, emotional and cognitive development. The competencies of the future educators aim to be achieved through the four-year program, which includes aspects from the field of psychology and early childhood pedagogy, subject / academic pedagogy and pedagogical practice organized in the kindergartens and schools within which classes of early childhood education are located. During the four-year period students will also be involved in various extracurricular activities, and various research that will help them identify and resolve issues directly related to their work with children aged 0-6.

Please visit the following link for more information about the program:


  • Primary Education Program – BA, 240 ECTS

The purpose of the Primary Education program is to provide students with the knowledge, skills and values ​​necessary to perform the teaching profession in the primary level of education. The program aims to equip students with the knowledge of curricular content for the given level and with the pedagogical knowledge and skills needed to deliver an effective teaching. The program aims to enable students to be prepared to meet the tasks and expectations of the teaching profession, including understanding the appropriate learning environment, curriculum planning and development, and understanding the factors that influence successful learning. The program aims to prepare new teachers to be ready to contribute to the development of the school and the teaching profession by following contemporary trends in quality teaching including the integration of technology and adapting their teaching to the specific needs of individual students.

Please visit the following link for more information about the program:


  • General Pedagogy Program – BA, 180 ECTS

The purpose of the General Pedagogy program is to prepare candidates who will be able to analyze, evaluate and reflect critically on current pedagogical problems and who will qualitatively apply contemporary theories and practices as professional collaborators in pedagogical, social and cultural institutions. Bachelor studies in Pedagogy aim at basic pedagogical education with a focus on subjects that address theoretical and practical aspects in the pedagogical, social and cultural spheres

Please visit the following link for more information about the program: