Within the framework of the PSL Q-Life Institute of Convergence, a scholarship program offering competitive stipends for students following the Interdisciplinary Master in Life Science (IMaLiS) has been established to specifically support two categories of students:
– International students (10,000 €/year),
– French students with a degree in a scientific discipline other than Life Sciences (6,000 €/year).
In addition to providing the fellowship, the program can reserve rooms at the Cité International Universitaire de Paris for some of the students.
The conditions for application are as follows:
– Students holding a foreign bachelor’s degree in Life Sciences, or in another discipline, but with a demonstrated background in Life Sciences, are eligible to IMaLiS and its scholarship program, at either the Master 1 or Master 2 levels (Master 2 applications require completion of a 4-year bachelor).
The level of admission will take into account both student wishes and faculty evaluations of the candidacy.
– Students holding a French Master 1 degree or equivalent (i.e. having completed a second year of engineering school) in Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry or Geosciences who have demonstrated interest in Life Sciences are eligible for the scholarship program and for the IMaLiS Master 1, to gain complementary training in Biology.
– Students holding a French Master year 2 degree or equivalent (i.e. engineering school diploma) in Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry or Geosciences who have demonstrated interest in Life Sciences are also eligible for the scholarship program and for the IMaLiS Master 2.
Recipients of Master’s scholarships must spend their second semester internships on interdisciplinary life science projects in laboratories belonging to the Q-Life Institute of Convergence. Internships are remunerated (approximately 600€/month). This comes on addition to the scholarship. The choice of the lab and project is made in agreement with the teaching team.
For more information about application procedure, please visit this link:
– Online applications: opening January 10th, 2024
– Deadline for application: March 11th, 2024