Fjalimi i rektorit në konferencën vjetore të Asociacionit Evropian të Universiteteve - Gdansk, Poloni

24 Prill 2023

Dear esteemed colleagues, distinguished guests, and fellow leaders,

It is truly an honor for me, as the Rector of the University of Prishtina, to stand before you today at the EUA Leadership Roundtable. The theme of this year's gathering, "Universities of the Future: From Vision to Impact," is both timely and essential. In this era of accelerated change and increased uncertainty, our collective mission to shape the future of education, research, and innovation has never been more crucial.

As we envision the University of Prishtina ten years from now, I foresee an institution that is adaptive, inclusive, and deeply rooted in the values of knowledge sharing and collaboration. Our vision is to build an institution that serves as a hub for research and innovation, fostering groundbreaking ideas that address the world's most pressing challenges. In this pursuit, we remain committed to the continuous development and integration of cutting-edge technologies, ensuring that our students, faculty, and researchers are empowered with the tools they need to excel.

In the next decade, we wish to have a profound impact in areas such as sustainable development, digitalization, and social inclusion. By promoting interdisciplinary research and collaboration, we hope to contribute to the global efforts in tackling climate change, harnessing renewable energy, and promoting environmentally friendly practices. Additionally, we aim to bridge the digital divide and empower our students with the digital skills that are indispensable in today's rapidly evolving job market.

Furthermore, we recognize the importance of fostering a more inclusive and diverse academic environment, where all students, regardless of their background, have equal access to quality education and opportunities for personal and professional growth. To achieve this, we are committed to implementing comprehensive policies and support structures that ensure equal representation and access for all.

As we come together to exchange ideas and best practices, let us remember that our collective strength lies in our shared vision and unwavering commitment to make a difference. The input gathered from each of you today will not only shape the future of our respective institutions but also contribute to the further development of EUA's recently launched project. Together, we can shape the universities of the future and create a lasting impact on our societies, both locally and globally.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude for this opportunity to engage with such a distinguished group of leaders. Let us seize this moment to foster meaningful collaborations and shape a brighter future for our universities and the generations to come.

Thank you.