ERASMUS+ International Students & Staff Mobility
For the past decade, the University of Prishtina has been acting as reliable partner within the EU Framework for international students and academic staff mobility.
As an initiative promoted by the European Commission (KA1), the ERASMUS+ Program is a vital component in fostering international cooperation, scientific research and crosscultural understanding.
The International Relations Office at the UP has eagerly supported the investment in human capital development, offering to Kosovo’s students the opportunity of spending a semester in partner universities across Europe. In addition, the ERASMUS+ Program represents a fundamental stepping stone for Kosovo’s integration into the EU Framework and an effective tool for cultural diplomacy.
At present, the International Relations Office at the UP offers:
- BA / MA / Phd student mobility (1-2 semesters)
- Academic staff mobility
- International training for administrative staff
As part of this common policy, students and staff with disabilities as well as students who are in need of institutional protection, care and accommodation will be prioritized for funding with extra points to their final score. This information will be disseminated among potential participants before application process via meetings at the faculties and other events.