UP approves the Regulation on Ethics in Scientific Research

27 Mars 2023

The Senate of the University of Prishtina, in its last meeting, approved the Regulation on the Establishment and Principles of Operation of the Committee for Ethics in Scientific Research.

The purpose of this regulation is to provide the basis for the establishment and operation of the Committee for Ethics in Scientific Research, which includes work with human and animal subjects. The Committee on Ethics in Scientific Research plays a key role in ensuring that research activities undertaken by researchers, students, and third parties conducting research involving human and animal subjects are in accordance with good research practice and ethical principles and are respected at all times.

The Commission also ensures that staff and students conduct their research in accordance with framework documents at the European level and the best international standards.

Such regulation is also a necessary and very important instrument in the process of accreditation of new doctoral programs.

Prior to approval, the regulation was subject to public discussion and comment