Up to 3 Long-Term Scholarships for Citizens of Kosovo: Università per Stranieri di Perugia and Italian Embassy Collaboration

11 Maj 2023

The 'Università per Stranieri di Perugia', in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Pristina, is offering from academic year 2023/2024 up to 3 long-term scholarships for citizens of Kosovo who wish to enrol in and attend courses in presence, with the aim of obtaining a BA or MA degree. Classes are held in Italian, skills in this language of level B2 or higher are therefore required. The list of activated courses can be found at this link: https://www.unistrapg.it/it/studiare-in-un-ateneo-internazionale/corsi-di-laurea-e-laurea-magistrale 

Applications must be submitted by Tuesday 23 May 2023. After this date, the 'Università per Stranieri di Perugia' will make an initial selection on the basis of the documentation submitted. A limited number of pre-selected candidates will then be summoned to the Embassy of Italy in Pristina, for a motivational interview in Italian language in the presence of representatives of the 'Università per Stranieri di Perugia', the aim is also to assess adequate language skills. At the end of the interviews, a ranking list of eligible candidates, complete with their score, will be published on the University's website.


For more informations, please visit: https://ambpristina.esteri.it/ambasciata_pristina/en/ambasciata/news/dall_ambasciata/2023/05/universita-per-stranieri-di-perugia.html