The Austrian Government, through its institution "Austrian Development Cooperation" and the "APPEAR" program (Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education Research and Development), has approved a two-year research project for the Faculty of Education aimed at examining existing civic education programs and preparing teachers to promote democratic values.
The project, titled "Preparing Transformative Teachers for Developing Democracies", will be implemented in partnership with the University of Graz. Over the next two years, professors and students from both universities will analyze the most effective models for developing practical skills to advocate for democratic values and citizenship within the school system.
In addition to joint research conducted by faculty and students, the project also includes collaborative scientific publications and the strengthening of research capacity within the Faculty of Education at the University of Prishtina.
This marks the first project from Kosova under the "APPEAR" program, highlighting the progress and dedication of the University of Prishtina to advancing scientific research and contributing to social development in the Republic of Kosova.
The University of Prishtina maintains a close and ongoing collaboration with Austrian higher education institutions and the Austrian state.