"Study in Greece" was a topic covered by Professor Michalakelis in a side course at the International Summer University of Prishtina

06 Korrik 2023

In an online presentation, Professor Michalakelis taught a number of Bachelor's, Master's and PhD’s degrees in English provided by Greek universities in a variety of Greek curricula. Where this year, there are more than 300 international programs (Bachelor, Master, and PhD) offered.

The professor continued by relating the program's goals to initiatives at the national level and outlining the advantages of studying in Greece.

Their main objective, according to the professor Michalakelis who provided the information, was to create an information hub that would aid in the internationalization of the Greek academic community.

The professors and students who attended this presentation had talks regarding the next steps that students should do to participate in Greek educational initiatives.

This year's International Summer University of Prishtina is also sponsored by the Greek Liaison Office, and the University wishes to express its heartfelt appreciation to the Greek Liaison Office for their support.