The oral history laboratory at UP - the space dedicated to recording the collective memory

28 Mars 2023

The rector of the University of Prishtina, Qerim Qerimi, accompanied by the vice-rectors, has visited the new and modern spaces of the oldest unit in UP, the Faculty of Philosophy.

In this visit, together with the faculty management, headed by the dean, Dashamir Berxulli, they discussed joint plans for improving the infrastructure, investments in laboratories, and other issues, which are the premise for raising the quality of work with students.

Within the Faculty of Philosophy framework, the Oral History laboratory has already been completed, enabling us to get closer to the microhistory and authentic narratives about Albanian society's past and everyday life to record the collective memory, its transcription, publication, and archiving.

Such a thing will serve as an excellent opportunity for students and researchers for more in-depth studies in the field of history, anthropology, sociology, and other social sciences. Through the laboratory, it is intended to provide training and participation of students and staff of the Department of History and the Faculty of Philosophy, being in line with the best practices of such laboratories around European universities.

The laboratory is an investment fully funded by the UP, with a total value of € 10,500. This space also fulfills the relevant criterion for continuing the accreditation of the department's programs in the next application.

During this visit, the Management also visited Auditorium #101, completely renovated by UP funds.