Evaluation experts monitor the projects financed by the European Union within the Erasmus+ program for Capacity Building

24 Mars 2023

During March, the evaluation of Erasmus+ projects for Capacity Building was conducted at the University of Pristina. The evaluation was carried out by the monitoring expert from EACEA, Ms. Simona Nanescu who evaluated the results of the projects and their overall effectiveness. Evidence provided by senior management and project coordinators has shown that these initiatives have had a positive impact on participating institutions and individuals.

Senior management, including the rector of the University of Prishtina, prof. Dr. Qerim Qerimi, vice-rector for internationalization and academic exchange prof. Dr. Arta Basha Jakupi, the vice-rector for research, projects, innovation,and information prof. Dr. Sefer Avdijaj and the project officer Fitim Seferi also participated in these meetings.

Erasmus+ Capacity Building Projects are part of the wider Erasmus+ program, which aims to raise the quality of education and training across Europe. These specific projects focus on supporting institutions in partner countries to improve their capacity and expertise in specific areas, such as curriculum development, staff training, and quality assurance.

The evaluation team analyzed data from four Capacity Building projects that took place between 2018 and 2022. The projects that underwent the monitoring process were: QATEK - "Towards a quality oriented system of initial teacher education to increase teacher professionalism in Kosovo", STAND - "Strengthening university autonomy and increasing accountability and transparency of Western Balkans Universities", ENEMLOS - "Legal clinics in service of vulnerable groups: enhancing the employability of Law students through practical education", PhDITKES - "The development and implementation of a Ph.D. Program in ICT for the Kosovo Education System".

The expert monitored several project contribution results, including improved institutional capacity and performance, increased cooperation and networking between institutions, increased skills and competencies of individuals, and awareness and understanding of European higher education standards and policies.

This evaluation provides valuable insights into the impact of Erasmus+ Capacity Building projects and highlights the continued importance of investing in capacity-building initiatives to support the growth and development of higher education institutions and individuals.